App statistics & payouts
Find out more about your app's usage statistics and revenue results.
Every day, Setapp determines the number of active users of your app and displays it on your developer account's Statistics page. The current information on your income is on the Apps revenue and the Partner revenue pages.
Setapp users join the service on different dates. Since every day is the end of some users’ payment cycles, Setapp adds up your payout balance daily instead of monthly.
We need to wait until the end of this user’s payment cycle to distribute the revenue from a single user based on app usage. Until then, we don’t have the final list of developers to distribute the user payment between. For yearly subscriptions, we also calculate and pay out the revenue on a monthly basis.
Delays with statistics and payouts. We may wait up to 28 days to receive your app's usage statistics because delays are possible. For example, Setapp desktop may not run, or the user may be offline. If we don’t receive the app's complete statistics in 28 days, your income is calculated based on the data available. In case Setapp processes the usage stats after a payout date, your revenue is pushed to the next payout.
Effective December 2022, the payouts will be processed at the beginning of each month. Namely, on the 1st day of the month, the money accumulated on the developerʼs balance for the previous month will be withdrawn. The payment is transferred to your bank account the next business day. Payouts will be made by the 7th of each month. If you haven’t received payment two business days after the 7th, please get in touch with your Developer Support Representative.
Your current balance and payout history (invoices) are available on the Account page. If you’re looking for details of a particular invoice, download its PDF from the Payout overview page.
To view and change payment credentials, pause or resume payouts, or set the minimum payout limit, visit the Payout details page.
Our transfers start at $200. If the minimum payout you set in your developer account is less, we’ll pay once your balance is above $200.
We don’t have any payout limits. Still, you may find it helpful to take payments only when your balance is above the specified minimum — to avoid extra bank fees.
Note: you may observe law revenue income on March 29-31. The reason for that is that we charge users monthly on the date they subscribed. Since February has no days after 28, your March 29-31 income may look like an anomalous decrease.

Payouts after raised app price
When you raise your app's price, the revenue doesn't grow in direct proportion. We calculate your income as a ratio of price tiers, considering all apps a user uses in the payment cycle. The price of your app alone cannot affect the calculation dramatically.
For example, raising the price from $10 to $20 may increase revenue from $2.33 to $3.50. This shows a 50% growth — not 200%, as you might expect. In this case, a user uses 3 apps with the same price ($10). See Formula to calculate revenue for details.
After an app's price rises, your first payout may be slightly lower than expected. In case of delayed statistics, the payout will likely include payments for the period when your app was cheaper. The next payout will refer to the higher price, and your revenue will likely increase.
Updated 19 days ago