Integration overview
The way to integrate with Setapp depends on your app's platform. Currently, we support two integration solutions:
Note: Setapp Library is our outdated development, which is not an option for our new developers. However, we support documentation on Setapp Library for those developers who used it for integration previously.

If you distribute your iOS apps via Setapp Mobile, choose Setapp Framework only. However, iOS apps for Setapp can be integrated through Setapp Framework or Vendor API. You are free to choose the way you prefer, but we'd recommend you align it with other platforms of your app, if any. For instance, if your app is also represented on macOS, select Setapp Framework to avoid extra work with integration. If you consider releasing your app on the web one day, choose Vendor API.
Setapp Framework contains ready solutions, such as pop-up alerts or usage tracking, so this is the most common choice. If you choose the Vendor API integration solution, you are supposed to implement these solutions on your own, which may be another point when choosing a solution for your iOS apps.
If your app has a separate browser extension that is not connected to the main app, you're very welcome to integrate the extension to Setapp via Vendor API.
Updated 20 days ago