Integration with an Electron app

Setapp Framework Node.js wrapper

  1. Add @setapp/framework-wrapper to your project
  2. Set an app bundle ID
  3. Add a public key to your app
  4. Allow Setapp to update your app
  5. Use Setapp Framework
  6. Integration sample

Add @setapp/framework-wrapper to your project

  1. Add our node package to your dependencies.

      "dependencies": {
    +   "@setapp/framework-wrapper": "^3.1.2",
  2. To rebuild the native module to the currently installed Electron version you should have 24.1.1 electron-builder version developer dependency. Also, you will need to add the postinstall script hook.

      "devDependencies": {
    +   "electron-builder": "^24.1.1",
    +   "@electron/notarize": "^1.2.1",
    +   "@electron/universal": "^1.3.4",
    +   "node-gyp": "^9.3.1",
      "scripts": {
        "start": "electron .",
        "build": "electron-builder --mac",
    +   "postinstall": "electron-builder install-app-deps",
  3. To build a univarsal binary with (arm64 & x86_64 architectures) - specify the --universal parameter for the electron-builder

      "scripts": {
        "start": "electron .",
    -    "build": "electron-builder --mac",
    +    "build": "electron-builder --mac --universal",
        "postinstall": "electron-builder install-app-deps"
  4. To avoid node-gyp errors when building an app on Apple Silicon CPU add exceptions to the build.mac.files list:

      "build": {
        "mac": {
          "files": {
    +      "!node_modules/@setapp/framework-wrapper/Setapp.xcframework/**/*.*",
    +      "!node_modules/@setapp/framework-wrapper/build/node_gyp_bins/python3",
    +      "!node_modules/@setapp/framework-wrapper/bin/**/*.node",
    +      "!node_modules/**/*.{mk,a,o,h,forge-meta}",
  5. @setapp/framework-wrapper supports macOS Monterey (12.0) and higher, so you'll need to specify minimum target version.

      "build": {
        "mac": {
    +     "minimumSystemVersion": "12.0",

Set an app bundle ID

Add -setapp suffix to your app identifier.

  "build": {
+   "appId": "com.setapp.fmwk.macos.TestApp-setapp",

Add a public key to your app

  1. Download Setapp Public key (a note on the right from the release info).
  2. Put the downloaded setappPublicKey.pem file to the package resources folder.
  3. Add downloaded resource to extraResorces
      "build": {
        "mac": {
          "extraResources": [
    +       {
    +         "from": "./res/setappPublicKey.pem",
    +         "to": "setappPublicKey.pem"
    +       }

Allow Setapp to update your app

In macOS 13 (Ventura) Apple introduced a new Privacy Restrictions. Thus to allow Setapp to update your app, you need to add the NSUpdateSecurityPolicy key to Info.plist of your resulting app. You can do it by adding the following lines to your package.json file:


  "build": {
    "mac": {
      "extendInfo": {
+       "NSUpdateSecurityPolicy": {
+         "AllowProcesses": {
+           "MEHY5QF425": [
+             "com.setapp.DesktopClient.SetappAgent"
+           ]
+         }
+       }

Use Setapp Framework

Use setapp package in your Electron app project:

const { SetappManager, SETAPP_USAGE_EVENT, SETAPP_LOG_LEVEL } = require('@setapp/framework-wrapper');

We made Node.js wrapper API similar to the Setapp Framework macOS Swift API.
For example, to present a release notes window in your app, you can use SetappManager.shared.showReleaseNotesWindow(). So you can easy refer to the macOS methods.

Integration sample

You can locate Electron integration sample in the Samples/Electron folder of the Setapp Framework repository on GitHub.