Install Setapp Framework


Setapp Mobile Compatibility

For Setapp Mobile distribution, the minimum Setapp Framework version is 4.3.0 or higher.

Swift Package Manager

Linking the Setapp Framework with your project using the Swift Package Manager requires Xcode 12 or later.

Add the following dependency in your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    name: "Setapp",
    url: "",
    from: "4.2.1")


With CocoaPods, add the following string to your Podfile:

pod 'Setapp'

To support the usage of the Simulator on Macs with Apple Silicon, we've changed the binary source format from the universal binary (fat) framework to XCFramework. To work with the latest Setapp Framework format, you need CocoaPods version 1.9 or later and Xcode version 11.0 or later.

Manual installation

Step I: Get Setapp.xcframework and add it to your project directory.

To add the Setapp Framework by using Git Submodules, execute the following Git command in your project's root directory:

git submodule add

The Setapp.xcframework bundle is located in the Setapp-framework folder of the project directory.

You can also download and add the Setapp Framework manually by doing these steps:

  • Download the Setapp Framework here:
  • Extract the bundle from the archive and copy the unpacked Setapp.xcframework to your project directory.

Step II: Get SetappFramework-Resources-iOS.bundle.



Skip this step for macOS apps.

Starting with Setapp Framework 3.0.0, Setapp requires an additional bundle embedded into your app. The bundle contains localized strings and some assets to activate UI. If you use the git submodule, find the bundle in the same directory as Setapp.xcframework. Otherwise, download it manually:

Step III: Add the Setapp Framework to your project.

  1. Open your project in XCode and select your app target.
  2. Click the General settings pane.
  3. Drag Setapp.xcframework and SetappFramework-Resources-iOS.bundle to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section.
  4. When you add the Setapp Framework, choose the Do not embed option.
  5. Add SetappFramework-Resources-iOS.bundle in the 'Copy Bundle Resources' build phase.

For more detailed information, see Link a target to frameworks and libraries in the Xcode Help.


To use Carthage, specify the line below in your Cartfile:

github "MacPaw/Setapp-framework"