A set of frequently asked questions about Setapp.
Joining Setapp
How do I get my apps to appear in Setapp?
We have high-quality standards and add new developers on an invite-only basis. However, if you feel that your product is of exceptional quality and you would like it to be considered for Setapp, feel free to let us know.
We’d recommend having a look at our requirements before sending a request.
Who is a Setapp Partner?
A Setapp Partner is a developer that joined our special affiliate program. According to this program, a developer invites their own users to Setapp in exchange for a 20% share in revenue obtained from these users’ monthly subscription fees. Therefore, as a Partner, you can ensure regular revenue that doesn’t depend on the usage statistics of your own apps.
Can I earn by only bringing my users to Setapp without submitting an app?
For now, only those developers who have submitted their apps to Setapp can become a Partner. However, we are planning to launch an external affiliate program a little later, so you may contact us to discuss our future cooperation.
Can I sell my apps outside Setapp?
Yes, you can sell your apps via Setapp and other distribution channels. However, you have to make sure that the Setapp version of your product matches all the required review guidelines and that the use of fraudulent marketing techniques of any kind does not compromise the reputation of the product’s non-Setapp copy.
Also, note that we expect you to keep the Setapp version of your app up-to-date alongside its versions on other resources. Find more information here.
Can I communicate with users directly?
Yes, Setapp does not separate you from your users in any way, and the task of user support and other communications with your users remains under your control. You may integrate any framework for collecting users’ feedback or crash data into your app. Moreover, you can implement Setapp User Permissions API that allows you to offer a user to share their personal information.
To download the list of users who shared their emails with you, go to the Customer email lists page of your developer account. Click the appropriate link to start the download (a file is available in .csv).
Please see also how to respond to the customers’ reviews.
Preparing your app
Can I use the existing version of my app to submit it to Setapp?
We tried to design Setapp as simple as possible, particularly in terms of integration, but whatever version of the app you have, some minimum changes are required. You’ll need to integrate the Setapp Framework or Vendor API as well as disable your built-in licensing and update frameworks.
Do I need to rename the Setapp version of my app?
We don’t ask you to rename your app, but you'll need to remove the indication of its version from both app name and bundle ID. It is essential because one of Setapp’s main principles is the free and timely upgrades of all apps to the newest versions. It means that Setapp can distribute only one and the most recent version of your app.
As you know, Setapp distributes only fully functional apps with an entire range of features. Thus, if, for some reason, the name of your app includes a word like 'light' or 'demo,' which usually indicates crippled versions, please remove or replace it to avoid confusion among users. For example, if your app is named 'MyApp Light,' remove or replace the 'light' ending. If you have any questions regarding this requirement, please contact our Support Team.
Do I need to change the bundle ID of my app for Setapp?
Yes, you’ll need to change the bundle ID of your app. This will prevent conflicts between the Setapp version of your app and its other versions. Here’s a description of how exactly we ask you to do it.
My app includes several frameworks for download, installation, and upgrade. Should I remove or disable them?
You have to ensure your app doesn't contain installation, update, activation, and licensing frameworks (APIs) before integrating Setapp Framework. At least, you must disable and unlink these frameworks. Also, please refer to Setapp Framework to learn more about preparing your app for Setapp.
Can I cross-promote my other apps in the Setapp version of my app?
Setapp differs from other software distribution services with unlimited access to all its apps without additional purchases or advertising. It means that active cross-promotion of apps is also unacceptable, even if the app is available within Setapp. However, we don’t mind if you mention your apps in the About dialog of your app, for example.
What devices are supported?
Setapp works on any computer with macOS 10.10 and higher. Your app, however, may support only newer versions of the OS, which must be marked in its Info.plist file. Note that your app's minimum supported OS version must still be not older than macOS 10.10 (yet, it can be newer).
Does Setapp support apps designed for Apple silicon (M1) processors?
Yes, we have versions of the Setapp macOS Library that support Intel or Apple Silicon (ARM) chips. See the "Link the Library to your app" section for details.
Can somebody (Setapp or I) force users to update Setapp and, consequently, Setapp apps?
We have a tool for forced updates for highly critical cases. However, the forced update may lead to data loss or other unwanted consequences that don't match our values. Our general approach is to make users decide whether they want and are ready for an update.
We have the following soft tools to suggest an update:
- Every time you release a new app version, we show a pop-up message to users encouraging them to update. If a user declines the suggestion, we stop showing this message until you release a new update.
- The user can constantly update at a convenient time: they must click Setapp > Check for Updates.
Setapp for iOS
What does a Setapp user need to use iOS apps?
Active Setapp subscription — that is, any subscription plan successfully paid for (including trial and grace periods).
Subscription for an extra device and an unoccupied extra device itself.
QR code scanner app (for iOS versions earlier than 11).
Is there a difference in monetization between iOS and macOS apps in Setapp?
With iOS apps and additional devices, the revenue distribution doesn’t change for Setapp developers. Here are the key points of the distribution logic.
- The Setapp's subscription revenue is calculated in the following way:
Total subscription revenue
Regular subscription fee
Extra device subscription fee ($2.49 for every device)
Let’s see that in a couple of examples.
Example 1. The monthly subscription revenue from a user who uses the Monthly plan and a single extra device is $9.99 + $2.49 = $12.48.
Example 2. The monthly subscription revenue from a user who uses the Annual plan and 2 extra devices is $8.99 + ($4.98 * 2) = $13.97.
The developer's revenue for an iOS app in Setapp is based on how often the users use it — the same way as with macOS apps in Setapp.
Since users use multiple apps, Setapp distributes 70% of the subscription revenue between all developers whose apps (macOS and iOS ones) the user opened within the billing period. For a detailed explanation and examples, see "Distributing revenue".
The price tier for an iOS app in Setapp is based on the price of the app’s paid functionality (in-app purchase) on the App Store — or the app’s subscription fee. See "Price tiers" for details.
If the desktop and the mobile apps are distributed with a single cross-platform subscription, the iOS app gets the same price tier as the macOS one.
Please note that the subscription fee for an extra device may be less than $2.49 — in cases when the covered period is less than 30 days. When a user starts an extra device subscription later than the 1st day of the regular subscription’s billing period, the person pays only for the remaining days until the next planned charge for the primary subscription.
For example:
- If a user’s billing period for the primary subscription starts on January 1 and lasts till January 30,
- AND an extra device subscription begins on January 15,
- THEN the user pays only $1.25 (50%) at the moment of purchasing the extra device subscription.
- Still, on January 30, the additional device fee becomes $2.49 because it now coincides with the regular subscription timing.
What are the stages of releasing an iOS app in Setapp?
Integrate the Setapp Framework and the Setapp public key into the iOS app. See the Integration Guide for the complete technical reference.
Submit the updated iOS app to the App Store. Make sure the app is approved and released for proceeding with Setapp.
Submit the app to Setapp for review. See "Adding an iOS app to Setapp" for detailed steps.
The app goes live in Setapp after the Review Team approves the iOS app's price and goes through the stages of the routine review process.
What data do Setapp and Setapp Mobile collect from users?
Apple requires developers to disclose how their apps handle personal data on the App Store. Since using the Setapp Framework involves sharing some data with Setapp, we recommend providing specific answers for App Store Connect.
The Setapp Framework collects data only from users who activate apps through Setapp or download them via Setapp Mobile in the EU. Regular App Store users are not affected.
Setapp Framework collects the following data to ensure smooth operation and enhance user experience:
- Usage Data: Information on how frequently users interact with Setapp apps.
- Performance Data: Metrics like load times and error reports.
- Device Information: Details about the user's device, such as operating system version and hardware specs.
Additionally, we've added a Privacy Manifest to the Setapp Framework. It records the types of data collected and the APIs required. This manifest is stored in the resources bundle and will be used to generate a privacy report for your app.
Partner Program
What is the Partner Program?
Setapp Partner Program is a unique affiliate program for developers of apps on Setapp. According to this Program, developers can bring their own users to Setapp and get 20% of their monthly subscription fees — in addition to the usual revenue, based on app usage. In other words, if you actively participate in the Partner Program, you can ensure regular revenue that doesn’t depend on the usage statistics of your own apps.
How do I sign up for the Partner Program?
When your app goes live on Setapp, you join the Partner Program automatically, with no need for additional requests or subscriptions. Just navigate to the Partner Program page and find out how you can engage users.
How do I bring users in?
You can invite users via a unique “partner link,” which is available in your developer account. The most effective way is to add the Setapp banner to your website; the banner already has your partner link embedded into it. You can also use the partner link in social media, emails, or any other communication channel.
When people click the banner or follow the link, they are redirected to your app’s page on Setapp website. If users sign up for Setapp, they are flagged as those you brought. It means that once their trial period in Setapp is over, you start receiving your share from their monthly fee.
How do I use my partner link?
Your unique link is available on the Partner Program page of your Setapp account. You can share it with users via any suitable channels (social media, emails, blogs, etc.). Users who follow this link and subscribe to Setapp are flagged as those brought by you. Detailed information about how to generate and use links is here. However, we recommend using the Setapp banner as a more effective way of engaging users.
Can I put a partner link to my social profile?
Yes, you can share a partner link via social media or any other suitable channel. Get more information here.
Can I configure different campaigns for distinguishing sources of my invitees?
Setapp partner link contains the special stc
GET parameter that determines a current campaign and, thus, helps you differentiate your users. More information about configuring the campaign parameter is here.
How do I know if my partner link is working correctly?
First, make sure that your partner link matches the one on the Partner Program page of your Setapp account. Please pay particular attention to the stp
parameter, which is your identifier.
Second, follow the link to check how it works and where it takes you. If you reach the Setapp website and successfully register a new user, it works perfectly.
Do you have a banner or something else to mark that the app is on Setapp?
Yes, you can place the Setapp banner right onto your product page so that users open your app’s page on the Setapp website. When new users click the banner, they are prompted to sign up via your partner link. More information can be found here.
How much do I earn as a participant in the Partner Program?
You’ll have 20% of the revenue from every user you've brought to Setapp. It is a guaranteed monthly income that doesn't depend on the usage data of your apps. It means that you might be able to earn up to 90% of the usage fee every month if you involve your users actively and if your app is used during the current billing period. More information is here.
Where can I check how’s my app doing?
You can quickly check the number of clicks, subscriptions, user conversion rate, and revenue per the last 30 days on the "Partner revenue" page of your Setapp account. The data provided on this page allows you to monitor the situation and assess users’ activity.
How long will it take to be paid?
You start getting your share from the user’s subscription fee after they are charged for the first time. All new users use Setapp for free during a 7-day trial period. Plus, we need some time to accumulate and process all usage reports. It means that you, as a developer, start getting income from newly arrived users with a delay of 2-2.5 months.
Distributing revenue
What is "app usage"?
App usage statistics are one of the key factors affecting the amount of revenue you obtain. If your app gets used at least once in a billing period by a user, you will get part of this user’s fee for this particular period. The scheme is based on the fair revenue distribution principle, where the share of every developer is calculated per user of their app. More information is available here.
Is the method of detecting app usage the same for all types of apps?
Setapp uses so-called event-based usage reporting, which allows us to establish the fact of app usage. Depending on the type of app, Setapp detects different events and their combinations to guarantee fair revenue distribution. More information about usage statistics and events can be found here.
Do you take the total time spent by a user within the app into account?
We do not take into account the number of usages of a particular app per month and the total amount of time spent within apps. The terms of revenue distribution are equal for apps used only once and for apps used daily. The scheme offered by Setapp is aimed at the real value users receive from apps, not just time or the number of launches. Learn more about revenue distribution here.
How do you calculate revenue shares if users are offline?
Usually, Setapp usage reports are sent every day and processed at the end of the billing period of each user. If a user is not connected to the internet, reports are accumulated locally and sent when the user is online again. So, there might be a slight delay in processing reports from a particular user. If we don't have user reports on time, you will get your share in the next billing period.
How does Setapp resolve the problem of different initial prices of apps?
The earning model of Setapp is based on multipliers; thus, cheaper apps have lower multipliers and vice versa. Monthly earnings are fairly distributed between developers because every app is added to its price tier at the moment it’s being added to Setapp. The price tier is defined by the current market price of the app that was effective for at least three months outside Setapp.
How do you determine price tiers for apps with a subscription, not a fixed price?
If an app doesn’t use a purchase price, the amount of its annual subscription fee is used for price tier assignment. Read more in Price tiers.
How much can I earn in Setapp?
Setapp allows you to earn up to 70% of revenue from every user using your app in a current payment period. Plus, as a Partner, you can get 20% more every month from every user you’ve brought to Setapp. You can read more about revenue calculations here.
Do I get paid while my users are on Setapp’s Trial period?
No, app developers and Setapp agree on sharing the trial usage risks. When entering Setapp, you and any other developer agree to provide a free trial to all new Setapp users.
For yearly user subscriptions, do I get my revenue in a single payout?
No, we calculate and pay revenue every month since it’s monthly statistics that we use to distribute user payments among developers. See "App statistics and payouts" for more details.
Leaving Setapp
What if I change my mind and want to remove my app from Setapp?
If you firmly decide to leave Setapp and officially inform us of your will, we will be able to take your app from Setapp only after the expiration of the term specified in the agreement. Like any other subscription model, a fair assessment of Setapp’s monetization model requires a long-term exploration when you can track users’ behavior and changes in revenue. That’s why we usually insist on 1 year when you cannot recall your app. However, if there’s something you want to discuss or would like to change, please contact our Support Team, and we’ll try to help you.
When you go, new users (and users who haven’t installed your app) cannot access your app anymore. However, those users who have already installed your app and use it may continue doing so until they uninstall it. You continue receiving your share in revenue from these users during the 12 months from the date of your app removal, but you stop getting the 20% Partner fee.
Please note that we can also withdraw apps from Setapp in case of severe violation of our rules.
Do I continue to get paid for the users I’ve brought to Setapp if my apps are no longer in Setapp?
No, if you decide to discontinue our partnership and take your apps from Setapp, you stop getting the 20% Partner fee.
Users don’t see the newest app version
It may happen that you delivered the latest app version in Setapp, but users don’t see it even after clicking “Check for Updates.” In this case, we suggest asking your user to execute the following command in the terminal:
curl -I
In the result, find the last-modified
and etag
parameters. They will help you realize whether the content update was applied.
Updated 6 months ago