
If you want to extend or reduce your logs or override the console logs path with your own destination, it's easy to do so with just a few lines of code.

Log level

You can easily change your log depth just by setting the logLevel property of the SetappManager class to one of the standard options:

  • .verbose
  • .debug
  • .info (default log level)
  • .warning
  • .error
  • .off
SetappManager.logLevel = .debug

Logging override

To override the Setapp’s log destination with your own logger, use the setLogHandle method of the SetappManager class. This function takes a closure that accepts the message string and the SetappLogLevel parameter.

SetappManager.setLogHandle { (message: String, logLevel: SetappLogLevel) in
  print("[\(logLevel)]", message)

Viewing logs in Console

To display the Framework logs in the Console app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app and paste the following query into the Search field:

  2. Make sure these items have been selected in the Actions menu:

    • Include Info Messages
    • Include Debug Messages

Alternatively, you can allow showing debug & info messages from the Setapp Framework by executing this command in Terminal:

sudo log config --subsystem com.setapp.fmwk --mode "level:debug"