Setapp collections

Setapp contains multiple collections. This tool helps users to quickly find a needed app based on user's occupation or task. There are permanent and temporary collections in Setapp. Temporary collections can cover some tech trends (e.g., AI features) or seasonal trends (e.g., Sonoma release).

In Setapp, we add apps to collections manually. This article explains how we choose apps for each collection.

Common rules and criteria

Most of the collections have specific rules, but all of them share three standard rules:

  1. The number of collection apps must be at most 15. Ten is the perfect quantity.
  2. Each 3 months we review apps in collections. The top-5 installed will definitely get a place in the collection when it is reconsidered. The rest of the apps may be replaced with new apps if there are proper candidates.
  3. The app rating must be higher than 85% unless a specific criterion exists for the collection.



You can always request information about your app performance from your Developer Support Represetative or by email: [email protected].

Permanent collections

Collection's name

Target audience


Setapp starter kit

People who have a specific problem and want to solve it here and now with the help of an app.

  • Apps that cover popular use cases for most users.
  • App rating > 90%

AI toolkit

Innovators who are eager to involve AI technologies in their daily routine.

  • App has AI features

Designer's toolkit

Designers, people with creative professions.

  • MacPaw designers' recommendations

Developer's toolkit

Backend and frontend developers.

  • MacPaw developers' recommendations

Manager's toolkit

Managers of all levels.

  • MacPaw managers' recommendations

Content creator's toolkit

Bloggers, video makers, copywriters, social media specialists, etc.

  • MacPaw creative specialists' recommendations

Productivity toolkit

Specialists whose work is closely related to the use of digital products (content creators, creative entrepreneurs, managers, researchers, scientists, teachers)."

  • Productivity apps

Power user's toolkit

Advanced users who either create software (developers, designers, managers, UX/UI writers, etc.) or love to customize their Mac.

  • Most used by the "Power user" plan subscribers

Temporary collections

Collection's nameTarget audienceCriteria
Freelancer's toolkitFreelancers, small business owners.- Creative Lounge community's recommendations
macOS Sonoma upgrade toolkitmacOS Sonoma users.- Apps that work natively on Sonoma
Educational toolkitStudents and educators.- Apps that cover students' and educators' needs