Quality check
Top quality is a high priority for Setapp and its apps. In 2024, the average app rating in Setapp was 92%, and we're proud to provide high-quality products to our users.
We are incredibly grateful to all developers of Setapp apps who constantly and thoroughly contribute to our goals.
Quality policy
To ensure the best service to our users, we introduce our Quality policy applicable to Setapp apps.
- If your app is rated lower than 70% in Setapp, we'll contact you and ask to impact the rating. We'll re-check the rating in 3 months, and we hope it will grow by that time. Please see our recommendation below on how to improve your app rating. If the rating is still low, unfortunately, we'll have to remove the app to be concise with our Quality policy.
- If your app is rated lower than 85% in Setapp, it cannot be a part of Setapp collections. Setapp collections is a great free source for promoting your app and getting more users. See Setapp collections.
- If you released an app update on a third-party platform (App Store, your website, etc.) but it's unavailable on Setapp for a month, we'll have to remove your app from Setapp collections.
- If you released an app update on a 3d party platform, but it's unavailable on Setapp for three months, we'll have to remove your app from Setapp. Please contact us in time if you have any obstacles, and we will find a solution.
- If your app has not been updated for more than three years, it may be regarded as abandonware and flagged for potential removal.
How to improve the rating of your app
- Fix bugs.
- Reply to users on their reviews, especially if they are negative. Note that you can edit your old replies. This is a helpful feature in case you've just fixed an old bug reported by a user in Setapp. See Customers'reviews.
- Update your app in Setapp once it's ready, especially if the update contains bug fixes.
Setapp team is interested in long-term relationships with app developers to ensure our users access to apps they use and love. We always eagerly listen to your wishes and gladly help if we can. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us in advance regarding any significant or minor issues.
Updated 19 days ago